Cheryl Pederson

My journey began on a farm in Illinois surrounded by nature. Nature was my first teacher along with my parents on this journey. I had a passion and understating of nature. In my early 20’s I became a nurse and quickly moved into psychiatric nursing. I have always been a keen observer of human nature and have seen many sides of humanity in my years as a psychiatric nurse. I always have been curious about and wanted to know who people really were, why they did what they did and what motivated them. I have been driven to look deeper into situations, the core of the matter if you will.
I received a graduate degree in Sound, Color & Vibration in my early 30’s. Exploring an even deeper look into the human process and purpose. Shortly after this my son Michael was born. He was a very aware soul who was born with a genetic disorder and cerebral palsy. It was a very intense journey for 20 years that transformed and touched us deeply giving me an opportunity to put into practice my many awarenesses. No longer just knowing them but being them. My husband Jon was key to this journey. We became true partners in this relationship journey. Our spiritual awareness providing a much needed foundation.
It is through my own journey that I have been able to touch others, support them on their journey and awaken to new potentials. My journey has awakened me to my soul and all of its gifts. Not a simple journey but a purposeful one.
I am inspired to teach others on their journeys and I have been doing so for almost 40 years through sessions, readings, classes, workshops & meditations.
I feel all of these experiences have prepared me for this time as humanity steps into the new paradigm/the Aquarian Age, the time my soul has prepared and created me for. The times ahead will be lighter, simpler and more inspired. We are still clearing out the old which is a chaotic process. There is much hope, potential and opportunities for us all.
I look forward to my journey with you.
In loving light,